Alysia Garrison

|Assistant Professor
Academic Appointments

Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing

I specialize in the literature, culture, and history of the long eighteenth century, from Restoration to Romanticism.  My current research and teaching focuses on the convergence of literary and environmental studies, Romantic poetry, the novel, historicism and the philosophy of history, theory and continental philosophy, aesthetic and genre studies, Irish Romanticism, and Atlantic studies.


Sanborn, Room 004
HB 6032


English and Creative Writing


  • B.A. Macalester College
  • Ph.D. University of California, Davis

Selected Publications

  • "The Bird that Cuts the Airy Way: William Blake's Avian Modernity," in Animal Modernities.  Ed. Daniel Harkett and Katie Hornstein.  Leuven: Leuven University Press, forthcoming 2025.

  • "Agamben's Grammar of the Secret Under the Sign of the Law," Law and Critique 20.3 (2009): 281-297. 

  • "'Faintly Struggling Things': Trauma, Testimony, and Inscrutable Life in Beckett's The Unnamable." Samuel Beckett: History, Memory, Archive. Ed. Séan Kennedy and Katherine Weiss. New York: Palgrave, 2009. 89-111.

  • "'Disdaining Bounds of Place and Time,' Staining Language with Furze and Burvine: John Clare's Nomadic Poetics." Blackwell Literature Compass 3.3 (2006): 376-387.

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