Andrea Zoller

Academic Appointments
  • Lecturer in Italian

  • Italian LLC Faculty Advisor

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My research and cultural interests focus on LGBTQ+ Inclusive Teaching of Literature in the Italian Language Class; Assessment, Un-Granding, and Accessibility; Regional Identities and Language Diversity in North-Eastern Italy; Cross-cultural Acquisition of Pragmatics; Translation and Italian Perception of Russian "Village Prose"; and Serbian Cyrillic Printing in XVI century Venice. I am currently working on the unpublished Italian translation of four short novels by the Russian writer Vasily Shukshin (Linea Edizioni, 2023) and on a reflection on student self-assessment, course accessibility, and the developement of un-grading strategies. 

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Dartmouth Hall, Room 210
HB 6087


French and Italian


  • B.A. University of Verona - Foreign Languages and LIteratures (Russian, German, and Austrian Studies)
  • M.A. Ca' Foscari University - European, American, and Postcolonial Languages and Literatures (Slavic and Balkan Studies)
  • M.A. Ca' Foscari University - Didactics and Promotion of Italian Language and Culture

Selected Publications


    Zoller, A. (2021), "La vita della Parola nelle postfazioni alle edizioni veneziane di Božidar Vuković." Alessandro Scarsella (ed.), Glagolitsa. Studi slavistici del libro storico in Italia (2021). Milano: Biblion Edizioni, 29-54.

    Ciolkovskij, K. (2021), "L'esplorazione degli spazi cosmici mediante macchine a reazione." [Isslevodanie mirovych prostranstv reaktivnymi priborami] Edizioni Imago Mundi.

    Karp, S.Ja. (2020), "Il viaggio in Italia dei conti Rumjancev e F.M. Grimm." [Putešestvie Grafov N.P. i S.P. Rumjancevych s F.M. Grimmom po Italii] Atti della Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, a. 270, 2020, ser. X, vol. II, A, 67-83.

Speaking Engagements


    "La vita della Parola nelle postfazioni alle edizioni veneziane di Božidar Vuković." [The life of the Word in the postfaces to the Venetian editions by Božidar Vuković] Terzo incontro Cirillo-Metodiano a Ca' Foscari. Culture e libri del mondo slavo a Venezia, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, 09/21/2019.


    "Inclusive Grammar and Romance Languages." Interdepartmental event sponsored by the French and Italian Department, the Spanish and Portuguese Department, Dartmouth Affinity House, and the Office of Pluralism and Leadership. Organized by me, moderated by me together with Prof. Rey Agudo and Dr. Loic Lerme. Dartmouth College, Hanover NH, 09/05/2022.

     "Diversity in Italy. Italian Dialects and Historical Language Minorities." Interactive lecture sponsored by the French and Italian Department and the Linguistics Department. Organized and moderated by me. Dartmouth College, Hanover NH, 16/02/2022.

    "Diritti LGBTQ+ nel mondo post-sovietico." [LGBTQ+ Rights in the Post-Soviet World] Interdisciplinary roundtable organized and moderated by Prof. Attilio Bellezza (Memorial Italia, University of Naples) together with Dr. Martina Napolitano (University of Udine, EastJournal), online, 06/24/2021. My contribution consisted in an intervention on the relationship between homophobia and religion in Imperial, Soviet and contemporary Russia, with particular regard to the public discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church today. See:


    "Il linguaggio inclusivo è davvero importante?" [Does inclusive language really matter?] Debate on gendered morphology and inclusive grammar organized and moderated by me, with the participation of Prof. Vera Gheno (University of Florence) and the LGBTQ+ activist Majid Capovani, Liberi e Libere di Essere Festival, Arcigay Trento, online, 05/09/2021. See:

    Collaboration with the YouTube channels Ecolinguist, Parpalhon Blau, Olaxonmario, and PiazzaSquare Italia as a representative and promoter of Trentino dialect (Venetian Language) and culture. Participation in video-interviews on sociolinguistic variety in Italy and experiments on mutual intelligibility between Romance languages.

    Co-founder and content creator for the Instagram page Instrabauz, that promotes dialects and regional languages of Trentino.