David Lea Webb
Professor or Mathematics
Kemeny Hall, Room 309
HB 6188
- B.A. University of Tennessee
- M.A. Cornell University
- Ph.D. Cornell University
Selected Publications
Gordon, C S, E Makover, and D L Webb, “Transplantation and Jacobians of Isospectral Riemann Surfaces,” Advances in Mathematics , 197 (2005) 86-119.
Gordon, C S, R Gornet, D Schüth, D L Webb, and E N Wilson, “Isospectral Deformations of Closed Riemannian Manifolds with Different Scalar Curvature,” Annales de l’Institut Fourier , 48:2 (1998) 593-607.
Gordon, C S and D L Webb, “You Can’t Hear the Shape of a Drum,” American Scientist , 84 (Jan-Feb 1996) 46-55.
Bérard, P and D L Webb, “On ne peut pas entendre l’orientabilité d’une surface,” C. R. Academy of Science, Paris , 320, Série I (1995) 533-536.
Works In Progress
Inverse spectral results on even-dimensional tori; asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel for Riemannian orbifolds