Deborah Garretson

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Academic Appointments
  • Associate Professor of Russian

  • Acting Chair, Fall '15

Author of numerous articles on various aspects of Second Language Acquisition, ranging from the psycholinguistics of reading in a second language, to cultural frameworks for Second Language Methodology.

Has also served as interpreter as the negotiations for the INF and the START I and START II treaties, as well as at the US-USSR summit meetings since 1985.




Dartmouth College
HB 6085


  • B.A. Mcgill University
  • M.A. New York University
  • Ph.D. New York University

Selected Publications

  • "Language Loss as Language Use and Language Change: A Theoretical Framework for Further Research," in Festschrift to Honor Zoya Yureva , M Sendich (ed.), (1988) 175-180.

  • "Advancing Russian Reading Skills: A Psycholinguistic Guessing Game," in Teaching, Learning, Acquiring Russian , S Lubensky and D K Jarvis (eds.), (1984) 151-169.

  • "A Psychological Approach to Interpreting," Meta , 26:3 (1981) 244-254.