Deborah Jordan Brooks
Associate Professor of Government
The John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding
- B.A. UC Santa Cruz (granted with College Honors)
- M.A. Yale University
- M. Phil. Yale University
- Ph.D. Yale University (granted with Distinction)
Selected Publications
He Runs, She Runs: Why Gender Stereotypes Do Not Harm Women Candidates (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013). [FULL TEXT AVAILABLE HERE FROM PROJECT MUSE]
“What’s Fair in International Politics? Equity, Equality, and Foreign Policy Attitudes” Journal of Conflict Resolution, accepted and forthcoming, with Katy Powers, Joshua Kertzer, and Deborah Brooks.
"Do Partisan Types Stop at the Water's Edge?" The Journal of Politics, Vol. 43, No. 4 (October 2021), with Stephen Brooks and Joshua Kertzer, pp. 1764-1782
“Double Whammy: Why the Underrepresentation of Women Among Workplace and Political Decision-makers Matters in Pandemic Times,” Politics and Gender, Vol. 16 (4), December 2020, with Lydia Saad, pp 1110-1122.
Selected Works & Activities
Winner of 2014 Victoria Schuck Award from the American Political Science Association for the best book published on women and politics.
Winner of 2014 David O. Sears Book Award from the International Society of Political Psychology for the best book published in the field of the political psychology of mass politics.
Honorable Mention for 2010 Best Experimental Paper Award from by the Experimental Research Section at the 2010 American Political Science Associate meeting.
Winner of 2009 Best Paper on Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior from the 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.