Gary D. Johnson
Professor of Earth Sciences
My research activity focuses on the terrestrial record of several regions of significant environmental and tectonic change. This includes both mid-Mesozoic as well as Neogene-aged sedimentary assemblages. This research has been primarily been on areas of the East African rift system, mainly in northern Kenya, as well as in the evolving Himalayan foreland basin of north India and Pakistan. New initiatives related to a variety of sedimentary geologic problems in New England and in the northern Rockies of Wyoming, as well as research into the paleontologic record of ratite bird (e.g. Struthio sp. – ostrich, and Aepyornis sp. – “elephant bird”?) evolution and distribution in Europe and Asia is the focus of current research.
Earth Sciences
- B.S. Iowa State University
- M.S. Iowa State University
- Ph.D. Iowa State University
Selected Publications
Adams, K and G D Johnson, “Tidal? rhythmites of the Late Wisconsinan Champlain Sea,” Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs , vol. 38. no. 2 (2006) 29.
Adams, K. E., Johnson, G. D., and E. S. Posmentier, (2007), "Tidal record preserved in marginal sediments of the Late Wisconsinan Champlain Sea," Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 39, No. 1, p. 91
Michelson, D L, E P Kvale, G D Johnson, M R King, K A Mickelson and P Getty, “Sub-aquaeous Tetrapod Swim Tracks from the Middle Jurassic: Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, USA,” Geological Society of America , Abstracts with Programs, May 23-25 2005 57th Annual Meeting, Rocky Mountain Section, vol. 37 no. 6 (2005).
Adams, K and G D Johnson, “The Parataxonomic Implications of a South Asian Ratite Record: Eggshell Morphology and Faunal Sequence,” Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs , Annual Meeting Nov. 7-10, 2004 vol 36. no. 5 (2004) 423.
Selected Works & Activities
Reeder, D., G.D. Johnson and R.W. Birnie, On-demand, Geologic map of the Manderson NE Quadrangle, Big Horn Co., Wyoming, Scale: 1:24,000 (7.5 minute geological quadrangle series), Wyoming State Geological Survey, Laramie, WY.