James Daniel Whitfield
|Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Physics
Whitfield group: Research
Wilder, Room 248
HB 6127
Physics and Astronomy
- Ph. D. Harvard University
- M. A. Harvard University
- B. S. Morehouse College
Selected Publications
T Henderson, B Harrison, I Magoulas, J Necaise, A Projansky, F Evangelista, J D Whitfield. Fermion Mean-Field Theory as a Tool for Studying Spin Hamiltonians. Journal of Chemical Physics, 161 : 234112 (2024)
A Projansky, J T Heath, J D Whitfield. Entanglement Spectrum of Matchgate Circuits with Universal and Non-Universal Resources. Quantum 8 : 1432 (2024)
W Wang, J D Whitfield. Basis Set Generation and Optimization in the NISQ Era with Quiqbox.jl. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 19 (22) : 8032 - 8052 (2023)
B OGorman, S Irani, J D Whitfield, and B Fefferman. Intractability of Electronic Structure in a Fixed Basis. PRX Quantum, 3 : 020322 (2022)