John "Jody" David Trout, Jr.
|Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Kemeny Hall, Room 302
HB 6188
- B.S. College of Charleston
- M.S. Clemson University
- Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University
Selected Publications
Dumitrascu, D and J Trout, “On C*-algebras and K-theory for Infinite-dimensional Fredholm Manifolds,” Topology and Its Applications , 153:14 (2006) 2528-2550.
“A Thom Isomorphism Theorem for Infinite Rank Euclidean Bundles,” Homology, Homotopy, and Applications , 5:1 (2003) 121-159.
Martinez, D and J Trout, “Asymptotic Spectral Measures, Quantum Mechanics, and E-theory,” Communications in Mathematical Physics, 226:1 (2002) 41-60.
Guentner, E, N Higson, and J Trout, Equivariant E-theory for C*-algebras, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society , 148 No. 703 (2000).
Works In Progress
“An Atiyah-Singer-type Topological Index for Proper Actions of Non-compact Groups;” “On the Nonexistence of Nontrivial Involutive n-Homomorphisms of C*-algebras”