Kevin J. Peterson
Professor of Biological Sciences
Professor in the Ecology, Evolution, Ecosystems and Society Graduate Program
Adjunct Professor of Earth Sciences
The explosive rise of animals 530 million years ago is among the few major events in the history of life combining the evolution of novel developmental regulatory circuitry in the context of unique environmental circumstances. This 'Cambrian explosion' is the primary focus of my laboratory, and the cause(s) of the origin of animal body plans and their later ecological success drives our current research.
Biological Sciences
- B.A. Carroll College
- Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles
Selected Publications
Zolotarov, G., Fromm, B., Legnini, I., Ayoub, S., Polese, G., Maselli, V., Chabot, P.J., Vinther, J., Styfhals, R., Seuntjens, E., Di Cosmo, A., Peterson, K.J., and Rajewsky, N. (submitted). MicroRNAs are deeply linked to the emergence of the complex octopus brain.
Peterson, K.J., Beavan, A., Chabot, P.J., McPeek, M.A., Pisani, D., Fromm, B., and Simakov, O. (2021) microRNAs as indicators into the causes and consequences of whole genome duplication events. Molecular Biology and Evolution, doi:10.1093/molbev/msab344.
Fromm, B., Høye, E., Domanska, D., Zhong, X., Aparicio-Puerta, E., Ovchinnikov, V., Umu, S.U., Chabot, P.J., Kang, W., Aslanzadeh, M., Tarbier, M., Mármol-Sánchez, E., Urgese, G., Johansen, M., Hovig, E., Hackenberg, M., Friedländer, M.R., Peterson, K.J. (2021) MirGeneDB 2.1: toward a complete sampling of all major animal phyla. Nucleic Acids Research. doi:10.1093/nar/gkab1101
Laakso, T.A., Strauss, J.V., and Peterson, K. J. (2020) Herbivory and its effect on Phanerozoic oxygen concentrations. Geology 48, 410–414.
Fromm, B., Domanska, D., Høye, E., Ovchinnikov, V., Kang, W., Aparicio-Puerta, E., Johansen, M., Flatmark, K., Mathelier, A., Hovig, E., Hackenberg, M., and Peterson, K. J (2019) MirGeneDB 2.0: the metazoan microRNA complement. Nucleic Acids Research 48, D132–D141.
Ramaiah, M., Tan, K., Plank, T.M., Song, H.W., Dumdie, J.N., Jones, S., Shum, E.Y., Sheridan, S.D., Peterson, K.J., Gromoll, J., Haggarty, S.J., Cook-Andersen, H., Wilkinson, M.F.. (2019) A microRNA cluster in the Fragile-X region expressed during spermatogenesis targets FMR1. EMBO Rep. Feb;20(2):e46566
Brate, J., Neumann, R. S., Fromm, B., Haraldsen, A. B., Tarver, J. E., Suga, H., Donoghue, P. C. J., Peterson, K. J., Ruiz-Trillo I., Grini, P. E., Shalchian-Talbrizi, K. (2018) Unicellular origin of the animal microRNA machinery. Current Biology 28, 3288-3295
Deline, B., Greenwood, J. M., Clark, J. W., Puttick, M. N., Peterson, K. J., and Donoghue P. C. J. (2018) Evolution of metazoan morphological disparity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 115, E8909-E8918.
Tarver, J. E., Taylor, R. S., Puttick, M. N., Lloyd, G. T., Pett, W., Fromm, B., Schirrmeister, B. E., Pisani, D., Peterson, K. J., and Donoghue P. C. J. 2018. Well-annotated microRNAomes do not evidence pervasive miRNA loss. Genome Biology and Evolution 10, 1457-1470.
Peterson, K. J., and Eernisse, D. J. (2016) The phylogeny, evolutionary developmental biology, and paleobiology of the Deuterostomia: 25 years of new techniques, new discoveries, and new ideas. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 16, 401-418.
Tarver, J. E., dos Reis, M., Mirarab, S., Moran, R. J., Parker, S., O'Reilly, J. E., King, B., L., O'Connell, M. J., Asher, R. J., Warnow, T., Peterson, K. J., Donoghue, P. C. J., and Pisani, D. (2016) The interrelationships of placental mammals and the limits of phylogenetic inference. Genome Biology and Evolution 8, 330-344.
Fromm, B., Billipp, T., Peck, L. E., Johansen, M., Tarver, J. E., King, B., L., Newcomb, J. M., Sempere, L. F., Flatmark, K., Hovig, E., and Peterson, K. J. (2015) A uniform system for the annotation of vertebrate microRNA genes and the evolution of the human microRNAome. Annual Review of Genetics 49, 213-242.
Robinson, J. M., Sperling, E. A., Bergum, B., Adamski, M., Nichols, S. A., Adamska, M., and Peterson, K. J. (2013). The identification of microRNAs in calcisponges: independent evolution of microRNAs in basal metazoans. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Molecular and Developmental Evolution) 320B 84-93.
Tarver, J. E., Donoghue, P. C. J., and Peterson, K. J. (2012). Do miRNAs have a deep evolutionary history? Bioessays 34, 857-866.