Kimberly B. Rogers
Associate Professor of Sociology
Quantitative Social Science Program Affiliate
Kimberly's research examines how inequalities are produced, maintained, and resisted through behavior and emotion dynamics in social interactions. Her publications evaluate the degree of consensus in identity sentiments and impression formation processes within and between cultures, examine behavioral and emotional responses to stereotyped groups and unfair reward distributions, and reveal the implications of micro-social processes for status and power hierarchies, occupational inequality, victimization, and mental health outcomes.
- B.A., Randolph-Macon Woman's College, 2003
- M.A., Wake Forest University (Psychology), 2005
- M.A., Duke University (Sociology), 2008
- Ph.D., Duke University (Sociology), 2013
Selected Publications
Sirianni, Antonio D., Jonathan H. Morgan, Nikolas Zöller, Kimberly B. Rogers, and Tobias Schröder. 2024. "Complements and Competitors: Examining Technological Co-Diffusion and Relatedness on a Collaborative Coding Platform." PNAS Nexus 3(12): pgae549.
Scaptura, Maria N., Kaitlin M. Boyle, and Kimberly B. Rogers. 2024. "Subordination to Women, Anger, and Endorsement of Violence Against Women: A Test of General Strain Theory." Feminist Criminology. Advance online publication.
Quinn, Joseph M., Robert E. Freeland, E. K. Maloney, Kimberly B. Rogers, and Lynn Smith-Lovin. 2024. "Meaning Change in U.S. Occupational Identities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Was it Temporary or Durable?" Social Psychology Quarterly 87(4): 513-24.
Freeland, Robert E., Jesse Hoey, Joseph M. Quinn, Kimberly B. Rogers, and Lynn Smith-Lovin. 2024. "Perceived Occupational Gender Composition: A Census and Exploration." Advances in Group Processes 41: 57-77.
Works In Progress
Doan, Long and Kimberly B. Rogers. ""It's Easier to Ignore Privileges than Disadvantages": How Situational Factors Shape Identity Activation." In preparation.
Rogers, Kimberly B. and Kaitlin M. Boyle. "Social Transgressions, Inauthenticity, and Psychological Distress." In preparation.
Rogers, Kimberly B. and Jonathan H. Morgan. "Investigating the Cultural Stability of Impression Formation Processes in the United States: 1978 vs. 2010." In preparation.
Selected Works & Activities
Conference organizer, "ACT for Change: Harnessing Affect Control Theory to Solve Social Problems." July 24-27, 2025 at Lake Fairlee Resort. Sponsored by the Department of Sociology, Office of the President, Office of the Provost, Neukom Institute for Computational Science, Rockefeller Center for Public Policy, and Office of the Dean of Faculty of Arts & Sciences at Dartmouth College.
"THEMIS.COG: Theoretical and Empirical Modeling of Identity and Sentiments in Collaborative Groups." Trans-Atlantic Platform, Digging into Data Challenge. Grant project funded by the NSF, NSERC, SSHRC, and DFG, in collaboration with Jesse Hoey, Mei Nagappan, and Tobias Schroeder.
Announcements and Press
Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning. January 5, 2022. "Courses to Integrate Human-Centered Design."
Dartmouth News. August 23, 2021. "Faculty Awards Recognize Teaching and Scholarship."
Dartmouth News. March 26, 2020. "'Open for Business': Making the Switch to Remote Learning."
Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast. October 3, 2019. "Episode 277: Intentional Tech with Derek Bruff."
Eastern Region Campus Compact. December 17, 2018. "Announcing the 2019-2020 ESI Participants."
Leading Lines Podcast, Vanderbilt University. November 5, 2018. "Episode 47: Kimberly Rogers."
The Hechinger Report. July 17, 2018. "Alone in the Ivy League."
Campus Compact for New Hampshire. April 10, 2018. "2018 Presidents' Award Recipients."
The Dartmouth. February 28, 2018. "Best of Both Worlds: Social Spaces at Dartmouth."
The Dartmouth. January 17, 2018. "Courses Partner with Local Organizations."
Dartmouth News. September 15, 2017. "Dartmouth Conference Explores ‘Interacting Across Difference’."
Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning. May 25, 2017. "Doing Sociology."
Trans-Atlantic Platform for the Social Sciences and Humanities. March 29, 2017. "Winners of Round Four of the T-AP Digging into Data Challenge."
The Dartmouth. January 27, 2017. "New York Times Reports on Inequality at College."
The Dartmouth. October 6, 2016. "Sociology Prof Kimberly Rogers Talks Her Research and Teaching."
Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning. June 28, 2016. "Round Three Gateway Courses."
Office of the Provost, Dartmouth College. April 6, 2016. "Seed Funding: 2016 Funded Projects."
Neukom Institute for Computational Science, Dartmouth College. March 22, 2016. "2016 CompX Winners."