Kristina Anne Lynch

Academic Appointments
  • Professor of Physics and Astronomy

  • Undergraduate Advisor

Kristina Lynch is an experimental physicist specializing in the plasma physics of the auroral ionosphere. She has been at Dartmouth College since 2002. Her undergraduate degree was from Washington University in St Louis (1984). After this she spent four years at the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory in Massachusetts, working on the CRRES satellite. She did her graduate work at the University of New Hampshire (PhD in 1992) working on auroral sounding rockets. From 1992 to 2002 she worked at the UNH Space Science Center on sounding rockets and the European Cluster satellite project. She is a member of the American Geophysical Union.


Wilder, Room 303A
HB 6127


Physics and Astronomy


  • A.B. Washington University in St Louis
  • M.S. University of New Hampshire
  • Ph.D. University of New Hampshire

Selected Publications

  • M U Siddiqui, L E Gayetsky, M R Mella, K A Lynch, and M R Lessard, A laboratory experiment to examine the eect of auroral beams on spacecraft charging in the ionosphere, Physics of Plasmas, 2011.

  • L Gayetsky and K Lynch, Plasma Evolution from a Resonance Cavity Source, Rev Scientic Inst, 2011.

  • Frederick-Frost, K., and K. A. Lynch, Experimental studies of low density and temperature ion and electron sheaths, Physics of Plasmas, 2007.

  • Frederick-Frost, K., and K. Lynch, Low energy stable plasma calibration facility, Rev. Scientic Inst., 2007.

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Works In Progress

Isinglass sounding rocket;  RENU2 sounding rocket;  GreenCube small payload development

Selected Works & Activities

Principal investigator, Isinglass sounding rocket, Cascades2 sounding rocket, Dust Orion sounding rocket program, Enstrophy sounding rocket program

Co-investigator, SERSIO, SIERRA, SAL, ROPA, SCIFER2, RENU, MICA, RENU2, SmallRockets sounding rocket programs