Lawrence D. Kritzman
Pat and John Rosenwald Research Professor in the Arts and Sciences
Professor of French and Comparative Literature
Edward Tuck Professorship in the French Language and Literature
Director, Institute of French Cultural Studies
Reed, Room 214
HB 6051
Comparative Literature
- B.A. University of Wisconsin
- M.A. Middlebury College
- Ph.D. University of Michigan
Selected Publications
The Columbia History of Twentieth Century French Thought , (Editor and contributor), (2006).
"The Socratic Makeover and the Ethics of the Impossible," in L'Esprit créateur , (Winter 2006).
The Rhetoric of Sexuality and the Literature of the French Renaissance , (1991; paperback 1994).
"Remembrance of Things Past: Trauma and Mourning in Perec's W ou le souvenir d'enfance," Journal of European Studies , (Spring 2005).
Works In Progress
The Fabulous Imagination: The Mind's Eye in Montaigne's Essays
"Jacques's Complaint: Derrida, Mortality and the Maternal"
"Sartre and the Rhetoric of Masculinity;" Roland Barthes