Maria Pellegrini

|Research Professor
Academic Appointments

Research Professor

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Many processes in a living cell are regulated through the specific interaction between proteins. Targeting the disruption of protein-protein complexes for therapeutic purposes is considered a very attractive, albeit difficult, approach. In our research, we take advantage of information on the protein's overall fold, primary and secondary structure at the interface and flexibility to identify putative binding sites and design and test molecules that interfere with or block protein-protein interaction. We focus on peptides, peptidomimetics, and small molecular weight compounds.

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(603) 646-8103
Burke, Room 219A
HB 6128


Chemistry, Chemistry


  • Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Padova, 1996
  • “Laurea” degree (B. Sc.) in Chemistry, University of Padova, 1992

Selected Publications

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Speaking Engagements

NESS - North Eastern Structure Symposium 2014: Structural Biology of Inflammation
Maria Pellegrini
"Fishin' for Inhibitors of NEMO"