Mayumi Ishida
Senior Lecturer
Language Program Director, Japanese
I am an educator with a passion for Japanese language and culture. With over three decades of experience in teaching and a diverse background in education, I have dedicated my career to fostering language proficiency, cultural understanding, and the integration of technology in language education.
Asian Societies, Cultures and Languages
- B.A. Musashi University
- M.A. Musashi University
- M.Ed. Carthage College
Selected Publications
Ishida, Mayumi. "Expressing Feelings and Emotions in Japanese", Proceedings of Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese (2021): 282-292.
Ishida, Mayumi. "Designing a Self-Reflection Project", Proceedings of Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese (2020): 251-263.
Ishida, Mayumi. "Improving Oral Proficiency by Reding Effectively", Proceedings of Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese (2019): 47-60.
Ishida, Mayumi. "Effective Project Work through Real Communication" Proceedings of Thirty-Third Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese (2018): 86-103.
Ishida, Mayumi. "Incorporating Traditional Performing Arts into Japanese Language Curricula" Proceedings of Twenty-Nineth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese (2014): 52-62.
Ishida, Mayumi. "Asynchronous Feedback: Maximizing In-Class Teaching and Learning Opportunities: Proceedings of Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese (2012): 120-129.
Ishida, Mayumi. "Effective Use of Video Technology in Japanese Language Education" Proceedings of Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese (2010) 57-69.
Ishida, Mayumi. "Incorporating a Blog into Students' Projects in Japanese Language Education", Oshirase, National Council of Japanese Language Teachers (NCJLT), Volume 15, No. 1. (2007) : 17-20.
Ishida, Mayumi and Omoto, Yasuhiro. "Newspaper and Show & Tell in 21st Century Classroom", Proceedings of Conference on Information Technology in Education (ISBN: 0-9700583-2-2), McGraw-Hill and Addison Wesley (2005): 150-155.
Omoto, Yasuhiro, Ishida, Mayumi and Schneider, Keiko. "WebRing: Online Community for Japanese Language Educators", The Breeze No. 26 (2002): 2-3.
Speaking Engagements
Selected Invited Lecture
"Your Japanese is Good! – How to be Proficient in Japanese": Japan Center for Michigan Universities (JCMU), Hikone, JAPAN, July, 2018 (presented in English)
Selected Conference Presentations
"GPT: How Can You Help Students Lean Languages?" Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese (SEATJ), Greensboro, NC, February 2024 (presented in Japanese)
"Creating Curricular for the Advanced-Beginning Level Courses Based on the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, 2012": Association for the Teachers of Japanese (AATJ), Seattle, WA, March 2016 (presented in Japanese)
"Effective Use of Visual Aids for Intermediate and Advanced Level Courses": American Council On The Teaching Of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), San Diego, CA, November 2015 (presented in Japanese)
"Project Works for Japanese Language Curricula in Japan": Twenty-ninth Conference of the Japanese Language Teachers Association of New England (JLTANE), Tufts University, MA, August 2015 (presented in Japanese)
"Creating Materials for Language Teaching and Learning with iBooks Author": co-presented with Satoru Shinagawa, University of Hawaii, Kapi'olani: American Council On The Teaching Of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Orlando, FL, November 2013 (presented in English)
"Asynchronous Synchronous Communication with Students Using Technology": Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), Boston, MA, March 2013 (presented in English)
"Innovative Uses of Blogs in Japanese Language Pedagogy": Fourth International Conference on Computer Assisted Systems for Teaching & Learning Japanese (CASTEL-J), University of Hawaii, Kapi'olani, Honolulu, HI, August 2007 (presented in Japanese)
"Enhancing Foreign Language Learning Through an Internet-based Newspaper Project", co-presented with Miyuki Fukai, Columbia University and Yasuhiro Omoto, University of California, Berkeley: North East Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL), New York, NY, April 2005 (presented in English)
"Manipulating Your Graphics: Workshop on Graphics for Beginners": Fourteenth Mid-Atlantic Japanese Pedagogy Workshop (MAJPAW), Gettysburg College, PA, March 2004 (presented in Japanese)
"Assisting Teachers' Professional Development: Sharing Materials Online": National Council of Organizations of Less Commonly Taught Languages Fifth National Conference (NCOLCTL), University of Maryland, MD, April 2002 (presented in English)
"Bridging the Gap between Online and Classroom Teaching: Classroom Activities Using the Web", co-presented with Yasuhiro Omoto, University of California, Berkeley: Central Association of Teachers of Japanese (CATJ) Thirteenth Annual Conference, North Central College, IL, April 2001 (presented in Japanese)