Samuel Carter
My research examines relationships between sound and migration in Latin American cultural production from the nineteenth century to the present, and my articles have been published or are forthcoming in journals such as Revista Hispánica Moderna, Hispanic Review, Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, and Comparative Literature. My current book project, The Auditors of Argentina: Literature and Listening in an Age of Migration, tracks how literary works turned readers into auditors—into those who listen as well as those who inspect—during a period of pronounced demographic shifts in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. These research interests have in turn shaped courses that I have taught at Dartmouth and elsewhere, including "Caribbean Reverberations," "Migrating Sounds of the Americas," "Voice Matters," "Sound, Race, and Resistance," and "All Ears: Sound, Surveillance, and Cinema in the Americas."
Comparative Literature
- PhD, Cornell University
- MA, Cornell University
- AB, Brown University
Selected Publications
"The Affordances of the Acousmatic: Questioning 'Argentineness' in El futuro perfecto." JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 63, no. 4 (Summer 2024): 9-29. (link)
"Making Sense of a Corpus: Berta Singerman, Rhythm, and Recitation." Latin American Literary Review 51, no. 102 (Spring 2024): 64-75. (link)
"'Escribir la auralidad': Listening in and to Rulfo." Hispanic Review 89, no. 1 (Winter 2021): 1-23. (link)
"'Esas palabras eléctricas': Arlt on the Telephone." Revista Hispánica Moderna 73, no. 1 (June 2020): 1-18. (link)
"Stir It Up: From Polyphony to Multivocality in A Brief History of Seven Killings." Sounding Out!, January, 2020. (link)
"Rioplatense Sound, Text, and Transmission in the Early Era of Sonic Reproducibility." In Latin American Textualities: History, Materiality & Digital Media, edited by Heather Allen and Andrew Reynolds, 108-127. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2018. (link)
Public writing
"Reaching New Heights," Southwest Review, 11 April 2023
"A Writer Preoccupied: Julián Fuks' Occupation," Hopscotch, 6 July 2021
"Migratory Birds by Mariana Oliver," Full Stop, 1 July 2021
"Gabriela Cabezón Cámara's The Adventures of China Iron," Music & Literature, 25 August 2020
"Can a Novel Be Silent?," Public Books, 6 July 2020
"Apprehending the Acoustic," diacritics blog, 3 June 2020
"Hebe Uhart's The Scent of Buenos Aires," Music & Literature, 5 November 2019
"The Houseguest and Other Stories by Amparo Dávila," Full Stop, 7 February 2019
"The German Room by Carla Maliandi," Asymptote, January 2019
"False Calm by María Sonia Cristoff," Quarterly Conversation, Winter 2019
"Fish Soup by Margarita García Robayo," Full Stop, 16 August 2018
"What's In a Gaze?" Public Books, 13 August 2018
"Jorge Baron Biza's The Desert and Its Seed," Music & Literature, 24 May 2018
"Ricardo Piglia and the Art of Interruption," Public Books, 20 December 2017
"Next Generation Latin American Fiction," The New Republic, 27 May 2013
"The Roberto Bolaño Bubble," The New Republic, 17 December 2012