Txetxu Aguado

Academic Appointments

Professor of Spanish and Portuguese

2013 Fall Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 3:00-3:50 p.m., or by appointment


Dartmouth Hall, Room 301C
HB 6072


Spanish and Portuguese


  • Licenciado Degree, Euskal Herriko Universitatea
  • M.A. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Selected Publications

  • "Suso de Toro y una identidad gallega: desde lo local a lo global." Dissidences. Hispanic Journal of Therory and Criticism 6/7 (May 15th, 2010). (Peer reviewed)

  • "A vueltas con el pasado: disidencias de memoria en la historia." Book Chapter. Estudios culturales y de los medios de Comunicación. Ed. María Pilar Rodríguez. Bilbao, Spain: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Deusto, 2009. 105-21. (Peer reviewed)

  • "Metapolítica y ética en los tiempos de proliferación de la memoria histórica". Book Chapter. I/C – Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación. Estudios Culturales Iberoamericanos: el Desierto y la Sed I. Editors Fernando Contreras, Antonio Méndez Rubio y Víctor Silva. Sevilla, Spain: Universidad de Sevilla-Secretariado de Publicaciones, 2009. 235-52. (Peer reviewed)

  • "Volver la vista atrás: escritura y memoria fotográfica." El Adelantado de Indiana: Revista de literatura, arte y pensamiento sobre ciudades pequeñas, clavos ardiendo, cabezas a pájaros y pies de plomo 8 (junio 2008). <www.adelantadodeindiana.co.nr>. (Peer reviewed)

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Works In Progress

  • "Dissidence, Citizenry, and Witnessing: Three Screenplays by Jorge Semprún." Eds. Gina Herrmann and Ofelia Ferrán. Forthcoming Spring 2011. (Peer reviewed)

  • "Paisajes del trauma y políticas de duelo: Imre Kerstész, Jorge Semprún y György Konrád." Book Chapter. Landscapes of Exile, Dislocation and Loss. Ed. Claire H. Firth. Forthcoming Spring-Summer 2011. (Peer reviewed)

  • "En la ciudad de Sylvia (José Luis Guerín 2007): anatomía de una gestualidad urbana." España XX / XXI: diálogos en el Hispanismo peninsular. Eds. Rosalía Cornejo Parriego and Alberto Villamandos. Forthcoming 2011. (Peer reviewed)

  • "Modelos emocionales de memoria: el pasado y la Transición." Eds. Toni Dorca y Palmar Álvarez. Iberoamericana/Vertvuert (Madrid, Spain). Forthcoming Fall 2010. (Peer reviewed)

  • "Travels in History Through Memory: Photography and the Restoration of the Past." Hispanic Issues Online. Forthcoming Spring 2010. (Peer reviewed)

  • "Pedro Almodóvar, la Movida y la Transición: memoria, espectáculo y anti-franquismo". Letras Peninsulares. Forthcoming Spring-Fall 2010. (Peer reviewed)

Selected Works & Activities

  • Book: Tiempos de ausencias y vacíos: escrituras de memoria e identidad. Under Contract. Deusto University Press-Publicaciones de la Universidad de Deusto (Bilbao, Spain). Fall 2010. A study of the interrelations between memory and identity in the Spain of the Transition and post-Transition historical period. The need for a more accurate account of the past, one that is inclusive and questions official and congratulatory historical renderings, also calls for a Spanish identity freed from Francoist notions. Memory and identity come together to redefine Spanishness as an open and participatory project where every voice coming from the past will find its proper place. The study addresses literary, filmic, and pictorial texts.

  • Book: La tarea política: narrativa y ética en la España posmoderna. Barcelona: Montesinos-El Viejo Topo, 2004. A rethinking of postmodern subjectivities and their ethical positionings in literary texts by Juan Goytisolo, Rosa Montero, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán y Jorge Semprún. Within the literary field, these authors rethink and reformulate the relations between postmodernity and modernity, civil society and its citizenry, historical memory versus memory in narration, and literary and sexual identities versus heterogeinity.