Mark D. Koch
Assistant Director, Institute for Writing and Rhetoric
Coordinator, Writing 2-3 Program
I have been teaching first-year college writing all of my career because I believe it is essential for complex academic thinking and because I have always been interested in the pedagogy. Because of this I have served many years as an administrator of writing courses, most recently as the associate director of the writing program at the University of Michigan where I worked with PhD students to develop their teaching as they taught their first writing classes. Since coming to Dartmouth my interest in the teaching of writing has expanded to include multimodal writing, and I now help graduate students here become writing tutors for first-year students. I also read and write on cartography and its relation to literature, as well as on beggary, almsgiving, and gift-exchange economics. Recently, I have been studying the rhetoric of British charity sermons in the 18th century.
Institute for Writing and Rhetoric
- B.A. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- M.A. State University of New York at Buffalo
- Ph.D. State University of New York at Buffalo
Selected Publications
“'A Spectacle Pleasing to God and Man': Sympathy and the Show of Charity in the Restoration Spittle Sermons," Eighteenth-Century Studies 46: 4 (Summer 2013).
“Ruling the World: The Cartographic Gaze in English Accounts of the New World." Literature and Geography. Ed. Richard Helgerson and Joanne Woolway. Special issue of Early Modern Literary Studies: A Journal of Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century English Literature. October 1998.
“The Desanctification of the Beggar in Rogue Pamphlets of the English Renaissance.” The Work of Dissimilitude: Essays from the Sixth Citadel Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Literature. Edited by David G. Allen and Robert A. White. Newark: University of Delaware UP, 1992. 91-104.
“Utilitarian and Reactionary Arguments for Almsgiving in Wordsworth’s ‘The Old Cumberland Beggar’.” Eighteenth-Century Life 13: 3 (November 1989): 18-33.
Works In Progress
on-going book project: The Economy of Charity: Beggary and Almsgiving in English Literature, 1650-1800. With an emphasis on charity as a gift exchange, the dissolution of almsgiving in the early modern era, seventeenth-century “Spittle” sermons, early eighteenth-century charity schools and workhouses, and the rise Sentimentalism.