Marisa C. Palucis

|Associate Professor
Academic Appointments

Associate Professor of Earth Sciences

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My research group investigates the evolution of landscapes and sedimentary deposits under a changing climate. Our work has implications for constraining the rates and histories of aqueous processes on paleo-landscapes and other planetary surfaces (like Mars!) and hazard prediction and mitigation during extreme events. The former is a prerequisite for understanding where and when life could have evolved within our solar system. My group integrates sedimentological, topographic, and climatic datasets from the field with physical experiments and modeling, as geologically significant flow events are often difficult and/or impossible to observe. This combination allows us to bridge from the particle- to landscape-scale, which is necessary to test hypotheses for landscape evolution and paleoenvironment. Active research areas include: 1) what was the timing and duration of water flow on Mars; 2) how do Arctic landscapes respond to climate change?; 3) what controls channel morphology and sediment transport rates in steep streams; and 4) how and where do debris flow initiate?


Fairchild, Room 203
HB 6105


Earth Sciences


  • B.S. University of South Carolina, Columbia
  • Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

Selected Publications

  • *Del Vecchio J, Palucis MC, and Meyer C, Permafrost extent sets drainage density in the Arctic, 2023, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, in press

  • *Del Vecchio J, Swieback S, Rowland J, Dibiase R, and Palucis MC, 2023, Hillslope-channel coupling in a changing permafrost landscape: the critical role of water tracks, Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 128,

  • Palucis MC, Kring DA, Howard A, Nishiizumi K, Caffee M, and Dietrich WE, 2023, The runoff required to drive post-impact gully development on the walls of Meteor Crater (Arizona, USA), GSA Bulletin,

  • Palucis MC, Morgan AM, *Rivera-Hernandez F, Marshall J, *Menio E, **Miller R, and Strauss JV, 2022, Rates and processes controlling periglacial alluvial fan formation: Implications for martian fans, GSA Bulletin,

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