Justin S. Mankin

|Associate Professor
Academic Appointments
  • Associate Professor, Department of Geography

  • Graduate Program in Ecology, Evolution, Ecosystems, & Society (EEES)

  • Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Mankin's research on climate variability and change is motivated by the risks global warming poses to ecosystems and people. Using both observations and process-based models, his efforts focus on constraining three of the major sources of uncertainty in climate impacts, past, present, and future: the chaos innate to the climate system, the complexity of how people and ecosystems induce and respond to climate stress, and how model choices influence model answers. In his previous career, Dr. Mankin worked overseas as an intelligence officer.


Fairchild, Room 113A
HB 6017




  • Ph.D. Stanford University
  • M.P.A. Columbia University
  • M.Sc. London School of Economics
  • B.A. Columbia University

Selected Publications

  • Li, Z. (P), J. E. Smerdon, R. Seager, N. Siegert (U), & J. S. Mankin (2024) Emergent trends complicate the interpretation of the U.S. Drought Monitor, AGU Advances, 10.1029/2023AV001070.

  • Gottlieb, A. (G) & J. S. Mankin (2024) Evidence of human influence on Northern Hemisphere snow loss, Nature 10.1038/s41586-023-06794-y.

  • Callahan, C. (G) & J. S. Mankin (2023) Persistent effect of El Niño on global economic growth, Science 10.1126/science.adf2983.

  • Gottlieb, A. (G) & J. S. Mankin (2023) Snow drought & its impacts: insights from quantifying and sourcing specific uncertainties, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

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Selected Works & Activities

  • Editor, Earth's Future, a journal of the American Geophysical Union

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Climate, a journal of the American Meteorological Society

  • Member Representative, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

  • Member, American Meteorological Society Climate Variability & Change Commmittee

  • Co-chair, 37th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, American Meteorological Society