Patrick Glauthier
Assistant Professor
My research focuses on Latin literature of the late Republic and early Empire. In particular, I'm interested in the origins and development of scientific writing at Rome and the experience of the sublime. My first book—The Scientific Sublime in Imperial Rome: Manilius, Seneca, Lucan, and the Aetna (Oxford University Press, 2025)—charts the role of the sublime in first-century debates about how and why we investigate the natural world. In the spring of 2022, I organized a conference on the sublime that took place at Dartmouth. A volume based on the conference and co-edted by me is under review at Brill. I am currently working on a second book about the history and socio-political functions of catasterism narratives in the Roman world. Shorter pieces in the works include papers about the Elder Pliny ("Pliny's Natural History and the Scientific Sublime), Ovid ("Flood, Fire, and the Augustan Sublime in Ovid's Metamorphoses"), and the sublime in Neronian and Flavian literature.
Classical Studies
Ph.D. Columbia UniversitySelected Publications
The Scientific Sublime in Imperial Rome: Manilius, Seneca, Lucan, and the Aetna. Oxford University Press, 2025.
"Time Stood Still, and It Was Sublime (Proto-Gospel of James 18)." In Making Time for Greek and Roman Literature, ed. K. Gilhuly and J.P. Ulrich, Routledge, 2024, 205–25.
"The Classical Sublime." In The Cambridge Companion to the Romantic Sublime, ed. C. Duffy, Cambridge University Press, 2023, 17–28.
"An Image Sublime: The Milky Way in Aratus and Manilius." In Teaching Through Images: Imagery in Ancient Didactic Poetry, ed. J. Strauss Clay and A. Vergados, Brill, 2022, 82–104.