Peter Winkler
Professor of Mathematics
Professor of Computer Science
William Morrill Professor
I teach and do research in both mathematics and computer science, with emphasis in the listed areas.
HB 6188
- B.A. Harvard
- Ph.D. Yale
Selected Publications
The sleeping beauty controversy, American Mathematical Monthly 124 #7 (Aug-Sept 2017), 579-587.
Cop vs. gambler (with N. Komarov), Discrete Mathematics 339 #6 (June 2016), 1677-1681.
Hunter, Cauchy rabbit and optimal Kakeya sets (with Y. Babichenko, Y. Peres, R. Peretz, and P. Sousi), Transactions of the AMS 366 #10 (Oct. 2014), 5567-5586.
The phase transition for dyadic tilings (with O. Angel, A. Holroyd, G. Kozma, and J. Wastlund), Transactions of the AMS 366 #2 (Feb. 2014), 1029-1046.
Works In Progress
limit permutations, abelian networks, new book on mathematical puzzles.