Richard A. Wright
Professor of Geography Emeritus
Orvil Dryfoos Professor of Public Affairs Emeritus
Richard studies labor markets and housing markets in the US. He has a new research project on neighborhood change and neighborhood inequality in the UK. He also remains interested in "skilled" migration and related immigration topics.
- B.Ed. University of Nottingham
- M.A. Indiana University
- Ph.D. Indiana University
Selected Publications
2023 "Ethnic Diversification and Neighbourhood Mixing: A Rapid Response Analysis of the 2021 Census of England and Wales," The Geographical Journal, Gemma Catney, Christopher D. Lloyd, Mark Ellis, Richard Wright, Nissa Finney, David Manley, and Stephen Jivraj.
2022 "Making Metros White? The Effects of U.S. Metropolitan Reclassification on Racial Compositional Change," The Professional Geographer, with Mark Ellis and Nicole Tiao.
2022 "Occupational Licensing and Interstate Migration in the United States," Monthly Labor Review, with Thomas Cooke and Mark Ellis.
2021 "Rethinking the 'Buffering' Theory of Neighborhood Racial Transition," Sociology Compass, with Mark Ellis.
Works In Progress
Principal Investigator, with Jonathan Chipman (Dartmouth College), "An Interactive Web-Based Atlas of Segregation and Diversity." CompX Faculty Grant, Neukom Institute, Dartmouth College.
Geographies of Ethnic Diversity and Inequalities (GEDI). Funded by ESRC (UK). £943k.
Principal Investigator: Dr Gemma Catney, (Queens Belfast) Co-Investigators: Sarah Coates (Office for National Statistics), Prof Mark Ellis (University of Washington), Prof Nissa Finney (University of St Andrews), Dr Stephen Jivraj (University College London), Prof Chris Lloyd (Queen's University Belfast), Prof David Manley (University of Bristol), Prof Richard Wright (Dartmouth College).