Ryan Calsbeek

Academic Appointments

Professor of Biological Sciences

Males and females share the majority of their genetic material but are often subject to very different forms of selection. This poses special challenges for understanding evolutionary change. Our work on sexual conflict is aimed at understanding the implications for local adaptation and how conflict is resolved. Broadening our work on sexual conflict from the previous decade, we are now also investigating the ways in which selection operates differentially on alternative life history stages. Using wood frogs as a study system, we're investigating the special challenges that arise when selection has to build two very different body plans in the same individual (e.g., tadpoles and frogs). We combine this work with a study of the unique challenges faced by frogs that have to breed in human altered habitats.


Life Sciences Center, Room 338
HB 6044


Biological Sciences


  • B.S. Indiana University
  • Ph.D. University of California at Santa Cruz

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