Sean W. Smith
Professor of Computer Science
Computer Science
- B.A. Princeton University
- M.S. Carnegie Mellon University
- Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University
Selected Publications
Sean W. Smith.
The Internet of Risky Things: Trusting the Devices that Surround Us.
O'Reilly. 2017.P. Anantharaman, K. Palani, D. Nicol, S.W. Smith.
"I am Joe's Fridge: Scalable Identity in the Internet of Things"
IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things.
December 2016.S. Bratus, M. Patterson, A. Crain, S. Hallberg, S.W. Smith.
"Implementing a Vertically Hardened DNP3 Control Stack for Power Applications."
ACSAC Industrial Control System Security Workshop.
December 2016.S.W. Smith, R. Koppel, J. Blythe, V. Kothari.
"Mismorphism: a Semiotic Model of Computer Security Circumvention"
International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (HAISA 2015).
July 2015
Speaking Engagements
November 2017: Invited talk, "Securing the IIoT: Critical Research Challenges." API Cybersecurity Conference for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry
June 2017: Tutorial, "Cyber Security Fundamentals." Cyber Resilient Energy Delivery Consortium Summer School.
September 2016: Panelist, "Self-Driving Cars: Closer Than You Think." The Exchange, New Hampshire Public Radio.
April 2015: Tutorial, "Understanding and Accounting for Human Behavior." ACM Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS)
April 2015: Invited talk, "Trust Challenges in Massive Multi-Organization Distributed Systems." Dagstuhl