Thomas R. Shemanske

Academic Appointments

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics


338 Kemeny Hall




  • A.B. Cornell University
  • M.A. University of Rochester
  • Ph.D. University of Rochester

Selected Publications

  • Modern Cryptography and Elliptic Curves:  A Beginner's Guide, American Mathematical Society, Student Mathematical Library 83, (2017), 252 pages

  • (with B. Linowitz)   Local Selectivity of Orders in Central Simple Algebras, International J. Number Theory 13(4), 2017, 853-884.

  • (with B. Linowitz) Embedding Orders in Central Simple Algebras, Journal de theorie des nombres de Bordeaux, 24, no. 2 (2012), 405 -- 424.

  • Split Orders and Convex Polytopes in Buildings, J. Number Theory , 30 (1), 2010, 101 -- 115.

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Works In Progress

Applications of buildings to the arithmetic of orders in central simple algebras.