Valentina Apresyan

Academic Appointments



Dartmouth College
HB 6085


  • Ph. D. University of Southern California
  • M.A. University of Southern California
  • B.A. Moscow State University

Selected Publications

  • 2024
    Apresyan V. 2024. Concessive-adversative reduplication of interrogative pronouns in Slavic languages. In Constructions with lexical repetitions in East Slavic. Edited by: Mikhail Kopotev and Kyongjoon Kwon. Volume 384 in the series Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs. 163-196.

    Apresjan V. 2024. Errors in foreign language acquisition as a multifaceted phenomenon. Russian Linguistics 48, 3 (2024).

    V. Apresyan, N. Mikhailov, R. Arupova, F. Aidarova, A. Alaidar, A. Nassipbek, D. Arapbayeva, A. Duisebay, A. Supygaliyeva. 2023. Polysemy in the mental lexicon: evidence for different processing and separate storage of word senses (in Kazakhstani Russian). Cognitive Science in Moscow: New Research. Pechenkova E., Falikman M., Koyfman A. (eds.). Moscow: "Buki Vedi". 19-25.  

    Apresjan V., Letuchij A. The competition of dative and dlja-genitive in verbs and predicatives in Russian: semantics and syntax. Russian Linguistics (2023) 47:167—207.

    Apresyan V., Koncha K., Orlov A., Lopukhina A. 2022. Processing of Different Types of Metaphors for Polysemous Words. Russian Journal of Cognitive Science. DOI: RJCS, 9(3–4), 41–61.

    Apresyan V., Kopotev M. 2022. Absolutive distributive constructions with interrogative pronouns. Voprosy jazykoznanija. 4. p. 115-142 (Q2, h-index 5).

    Apresyan V., Orlov A. 2022. Pragmatic mechanisms of manipulation in Russian online media: how clickbait works (or does not). Journal of Pragmatics. Vol. 195, pp. 91-108.   

    Apresyan V., Lopukhina A., Zarifyan M. 2021. Representation of Different Types of Adjectival Polysemy in the Mental Lexicon. Frontiers in Psychology. Vol. 12. Article 742064.

    Apresyan V. 2020. Resolving Scope Ambiguity: Lexicon, pragmatics, information structure. Voprosy jazykoznanija, No. 2 P. 7-3.

    Apresyan V., Shmelev A. 2020. Assymetry of 'proximal' and 'distal': temporal meanings. Russian Linguistics. V. 44. № 3. С. 203-230.

    Apresyan V. 2019. Pragmatics in the interpretation of scope ambiguities. Intercultural Pragmatics. Vol. 16. No. 4. P. 421-461.

    Apresyan V. Why 'to search' sometimes means 'to find', and 'to find' sometimes means 'to search'? (English, Lithuanian, and Russian verbs of searching and finding). In EUREKA! Collection of articles about searching and finding for the anniversary of E. V. Rakhilina. Ed. D. A. Ryzhova, N. R. Dobrushina, A. A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya, A. S. Vyrenkova, M. V. Kyuseva, B. V. Orekhova, T. I. Reznikova. — M.: Labyrinth, 2018.

    Apresyan V. 2018. Russian constructions with syntactic reduplication of color terms: a corpus study. Russian Journal of Linguistics. V. 3. 653-674.  

    Apresyan V. 2013. Corpus Methods in Pragmatics: The Case of English and Russian emotions. Intercultural Pragmatics. Vol. 10. No. 4. p. 533-568.  1996

    Apresyan V., Polinsky M. 1996. The Article System in Spoken Eastern Armenian. NLS-8, Chicago: CLS,. 1996. pp. 19-32