yasser elhariry / ياسر الحريري

|Associate Professor


Dartmouth Hall, Room 310A
HB 6087


French and Italian


  • phd french new york university
  • ma french purdue university
  • bsc computer engineering purdue university

Selected Publications

Speaking Engagements



Mayonnaise. Poetry In Translation & In The Glittering Maw: A Roundtable & Book Launch. Convened by Olivia Harrison, w/ C. Francis Fisher, Piotr Florczyk, Catherine Theis & Teresa Villa-Igncio. University of Southern California. September 11, 2024.

Gramma Phono Unit Bénazet. Listening to Literature. Convened by Inge Arteel. University of Pennsylvania. April 21, 2023. 

Transnational Arabic Studies. Convened w/ Karim Mattar. 2-day, 2-panel seminar. Convened w/ Karim Mattar. Papers by Nuha Alshaar, Rebecca Johnson, Tom Abi Samra, Anna Ziajka Stanton, Steffi Lang, Mona Habeb & Erin Twohig. American Comparative Literature Association 2023 Annual Meeting. Chicago. March 16-19, 2023. 

ماما / māmā. Forms of Liberation: Anti-Colonial Politics & Æsthetic Form in the Middle East & North Africa. Convened by Hannah Feldman & Rebecca Johnson. Northwestern University. January 13, 2023. 

Waters, Materialities, Mediterraneans. Convened by CLCS Mediterranean, w/ Chloe Howe Haralambous, Donna Hornapisheh, Mateusz Kucab & Dina Mahmoud. 138th Modern Language Association Annual Convention. San Francisco. January 5-8, 2023. 

!يلعنك / dagnabbit! Expressive Forms of the Vernacular: A Roundtable Discussion. Convened by Christina Kullberg & David Watson. Uppsala universitet. June 1, 2022. 

Pantins. Roundtable: Spaces, Places, Ways of Reading. Failure Is Our Greatest Option: The Question of Reading & the Politucius of Literature. Convened by Patrick Bray & Robert St. Clair. Dartmouth College. May 10-11, 2022.

Listen, Al! (Giraudon, Touam, André). Women in French IV: Gendered Confinement. Convened by Youna Kwak. 118th PAMLA Conference. November 11-14, 2021. 

Khatibi misses the mark. North African Poetry in French. Convened by Thomas Connolly. Yale University. November 5, 2021. 

Soft sick snails, Lautréamont to Wolfson. Turning-Points: The Poetics of Crisis & Catastrophe. Convened by Liesl Yamaguchi & Adriana X. Jacobs. American Comparative Literature Association 2021 Annual Meeting. April 8-11, 2021. 

Abdelkébir Khatibi: Postcolonialism, Transnationalism & Culture in the Maghreb & Beyond, edited by Jane Hiddleston & Khalid Lyamlahy, Liverpool University Press, 2020. Online book launch. March 16, 2021. [video]

Revisiting Perec's Ellis Island. Reading Group. Convened w/ Matthew Amos, Annie Brancky, Laura Hughes, Fredrik Rönnbäck & Raphaël Sigal. A New Normal? International Colloquium for 20th & 21st Century French & Francophone Studies. March 13, 2021. 

tongues tonguing tarkos. 

º Francopolyphonies: The Many Languages of the Francosphère. Convened by LLC Francophone, w/ Valérie K Orlando, Claire Reising & Phyllis Taoua. 136th Modern Language Association Annual Convention. Toronto. January 9, 2021. 

º Performing Multilingualism in World Literatures: Æsthetics & Activism. Convened by Jane Hiddleston, Wen-chin Ouyang, Laura Lonsdale & Nora Parr. Exeter College, University of Oxford. September 20-22, 2018. [twitter]

The Literary Qur'an: Narrative Ethics in the Maghreb, by Hoda El Shakry. Respondent. Convened by Lara Harb. Princeton University. Department of Near Eastern Studies. October 26, 2020. [video]

la la la. Making & Breaking Rules. Convened by Chris Andrews, Valentina Gosetti & Sophie Patrick. 2019 Conference of the Australian Society for French Studies. University of New England & Western Sydney University. December 10–12, 2019. 

Abdelkébir Khatibi: Literature & Theory. An  international workshop-conference convened w/ Matt Reeck. Dartmouth College. November 7–8, 2019. 

holes. Situating Between-ness. Convened w/ Elisabeth Friis, Karin Nykvist & Brigitte Rath. The Between-ness of Lyric. Convened by Heather Dubrow, Rachel Falconer, Ralph Müller, Dominique Rabaté, Antonio Rodriguez, Hans Kristian Rustad & William Waters. Second biennial conference of the International Network for the Study of Lyric. University of Lausanne. June 4-7, 2019. 

v's & c's. Passages: Sessions of the Hudson Valley College. Convened w/ Matt Amos, Annie Brancky, Jason Earle, Laura Hughes, Fredrik Rönnbäck, Raphaël Sigal & Teresa Villa-Ignacio. Tannersville NY. May 24-25, 2019. 

What Sounded Fresh Once: The Ear of Translation. Interdisciplinary Translation Workshop: Literature & Philosophy in Conversation. Convened by Rebecca L. Walkowitz & Ernest Lepore. Rutgers University. May 9-10, 2019. 

Water Logics. An international symposium convened w/ Edwige Tamalet Talbayev. Tulane University. April 11-12, 2019. 

Khatibi misses the mark. Yale University. Department of French. FREN 885 AFST 885 CPLT 735 Maghrebi French Poetry. Prof Thomas Connolly. April 1, 2019. 

peuc plash crchcrch. Pleasure & Precarity at the Edge: Reading the Beach & the Harbor. Convened by Morgane Cadieu & Hannah Freed-Thall. American Comparative Literature Association 2019 Annual Meeting. Georgetown University. March 7-10, 2019. Stream A, 8.30–10.15. 

sombre / vox ghost tongue. 

º University College Cork. Department of French. February 7, 2019. 

º Yale Univesity. Department of French. October 11, 2018. 

water mark hocquard waldrop. Lieux communs/Common Places seminar series. Convened by Françoise Besson & Isabelle Keller-Privat. Laboratoire Cultures Anglo-Saxonnes. Université Toulouse 2–Jean Jaurès. January 29, 2019. 

shoes. 'The Best of Its Kind, Whatever the Kind': A Roundtable on PMLA. Convened by Wai Chee Dimock. 134th Modern Language Association Annual Convention. Chicago. January 4, 2019. 

strait sea poem emmanuel hocquard. Poetry & the World. Convened by Jahan Ramazani. Center for Poetry & Poetics. University of Virginia. April 6, 2018. [video] 

'How wonderfully this language falls on the ear': postlanguage & Aḥmad Fāris al-Shidyāq's Leg Over Leg. Luncheon series. Department of Comparative Literature. The Pennsylvania State University. February 5, 2018. [video] 

Pacifist Invasions: Arabic, Translation & the Postfrancophone Lyric. 

º University of Virginia. Program in Medieval Studies. Medieval Identities lecture series. Convened by Eric Matthew Ramirez-Weaver & Sana Abdi. February 15, 2018. 

º University of Wisconsin–Madison. Middle East Studies Program. December 4, 2017. 

º University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Department of French & Italian. December 1, 2017. 

Unbearable: Love & Translation, Djebar & Ṭabarī. The Art of Translation: Poetics, Politics, Practice lecture series. Convened by Carolyn Shread. Smith College. February 6, 2017. 

f—end[s] of french. Beyond French: Occitan, Arabic & the Languages of Poetry. Convened by Cecile Bishop, Downing Bray, Sanam Bader-Esfahani, Nicolas Estournel, Sarah Kay, Maria Sanchez-Reyes & Claire Reising. Future[s] of French series. Maison française. New York University. November 16, 2016. 

… inappropriate personal lyrical secret. How Did 'I' Get Here? Humanities in the First Person. Convened by Raphaël Sigal & Youna Kwak. Center for Humanistic Inquiry. Amherst College. April 1, 2016. 

Vocal mue—footnote to a footnote. Pascal Quignard & the Translation of His Hatred of Music. Conference & book launch w/ translators Matthew Amos & Fredrik Rönnbäck. Bard College. March 14, 2016. 


on-campus events

Black France on Film—Race, Diaspora, Hauntings: France & Its Others. Film series, convened w/ Trica Keaton, Gerd Gemünden, Lucas Hollister, Marie Larose & Sandra Mefoude Obiono, in collaboration w/ the Institute for Black Intellectual and Cultural Life at Dartmouth, and the Hopkins Center for the Arts w/ Johanna Evans. Dartmouth College. w/ June 27-August 5, 2024. 

Abdellah Taïa. Public lecture, book signing & bilingual reading [w/ student participation]. Dartmouth College. April 25-29, 2023. 

Kaoutar Harchi. Public lecture, book signing & bilingual reading [w/ student participation]. Dartmouth College. April 11-14, 2023. 

Literature as Sound Studies. An international workshop-conference convened w/ Liesl Yamaguchi. Dartmouth College. November 10-11, 2022. 

Habib Tengour. Bilingual poetry reading & class visits. Dartmouth College. November 1-4, 2021. 

Obsessive Affinities: Ethics, Translation, Poetry, Culture. Lecture & reading series w/ Teresa Villa-Ignacio, Debarati Sanyal, Cole Swensen, Stéphane Bouquet, Ryoko Sekiguchi, Lindsay Turner & Liesl Yamaguchi. Dartmouth College. April & May 2020. [cancelled] 

Abdelkébir Khatibi: Literature & Theory. An international workshop-conference convened w/ Matt Reeck. Dartmouth College. November 7–8, 2019. 

Brian Edwards. “The Way Toward the Other: Khatibi, Bowles, Mrabet.” Keynote. Abdelkébir Khatibi: Literature & Theory. Dartmouth College. November 8, 2019. 

Abdellah Taïa. April 15–17, 2019. [facebook] [instagram] [abdellah taïa & hoda barakat sing ahwak by abdelhalim hafez

Mehammed Amadeus Mack. “Sexagon: Muslims, France & the Sexualization of National Culture.” Public lecture & class visits in the Department of French & Italian & Middle Eastern Studies Program. Dartmouth College. February 19-20, 2018. 

Édouard Louis. Montgomery Fellow. Class visits in the Department of French & Italian. Dartmouth College. May 15-19, 2017. 

Charles Forsdick. “‘Arguing Around Toussaint’: The Black Jacobin in an Age of Revolution” and “Dark Tourism & Penal Heritage in the French-Speaking World: Transnational Memories, Entangled Histoires.” Public lecture, research seminar & class visits in the Department of French & Italian & the African & African American Studies Program. Dartmouth College. May 8-12, 2017. 

Critically Mediterranean. An international symposium convened w/ Edwige Tamalet Talbayev. Dartmouth College. November 4-5, 2016. 

Michèle Hannoosh. “Practices of Photography: Circulation & Mobility in the Nineteenth-Century Mediterranean.” Keynote lecture. Critically Mediterranean. Dartmouth College. November 5, 2016. 

Habib Tengour & Pierre Joris. “The Making of the University of California Book of North African Literature, or: How to Put 2500 Years of Maghrebian Literature into One Book.” Bilingual poetry reading, public lecture & class visits. Dartmouth College. November 4-6, 2014. 

Serge Pey & Chiara Mulas. tomates + verre. Performance art/poésie d'action. Dartmouth College. October 7-9, 2014. 

Salah Stétié. “Destin du printemps arabe.” Public lecture & bilingual poetry reading w/ student participation. Dartmouth College. May 13-16, 2013. 


Poetry Readings & Performances

Poésie d'action