Brenda R. Silver
Mary Brinsmead Wheelock Professor, Emerita
I tend to describe myself as a modernist and Woolf scholar who has moved over the years into postmodernism, electronic literature, and cyberculture. I like what's new. My research and teaching interests include modernist and postmodernist fiction, electronic fiction and digital art forms, popular culture and cultural studies, cypberpunk, and, always, Virginia Woolf.
My course offerings include Twentieth-Century British Fiction; Virginia Woolf; Virginia Woolf and Gertrude Stein (Woolfenstein); Postmodern Fiction: Boxes, Labyrinths, and Webs; Cyberculture/Popular Culture; and Popular Culture and Feminist Critique.
Ph.D., Harvard UniversitySelected Publications
Virginia Woolf Icon. University of Chicago Press, 1999
Rape and Representation, edited with Lynn A. Higgins. Columbia University Press, 1991
Virginia Woolf's Reading Notebooks. Princeton University Press, 1983
"Anon" and "The Reader": Virginia Woolf's Last Essays. A Textual Edition, with Introduction and Commentary. Twentieth Century Literature (Fall l979/80).